Is Biometric System Suitable For Small Businesses? Learn Its 5 Challenges Here

Posted On:

15 Dec, 2024


Posted By:

Ajay Shaw

In this era of technological advancements, a cutting-edge solution for keeping track of employees and compliances is the biometric authentication devices. Right from noting the time of employees’ arrival to keeping records of their documents, biometric devices have reduced human labor and saved a lot of time.

While large corporations are willingly installing biometric devices into their operations, the small businesses and startups are facing a different set of challenges. They don’t have the capital to invest in expensive biometric devices. Neither do they have the financial bandwidth to hire technically sound people to run these biometric devices.

In this blog, we will discuss the problems that small businesses are still facing when implementing biometric solutions in their systems.

1. Financial constraints

One of the most potential problems of small businesses is a tight budget. With a restricted budget, the CEOs and founders of companies belonging to the small businesses feel the need to utilize it in business operations.

Right from acquiring the biometric software, to hardware, and necessary infrastructure, everything seems to be extremely costly and will strain the financial resources of small and medium enterprises. Besides, the moment there is a glitch in the biometric software, these enterprises will have to rectify it, adding to their expenses.

To overcome this challenge, the small businesses need an effective and cheap HR software that doesn’t require the need for human HR.

2. Lack of technical knowledge and expertise

Unlike larger corporations, you’ll not find in-house experts in small businesses to implement and maintain biometric systems for their effective functioning. The complex process of integrating biometric technology with software customization and consistent technical support is a big deal for all small businesses.

Here, small businesses may fail to find people with the necessary technical skills. On the other hand, investing in outsourcing people or training employees is yet again a costly affair.

3. Privacy and security concerns

When using biometric devices, small businesses have to navigate through the complicated regulations of biometric data for its privacy and protection. Small businesses have to be in the constant loop of evolving privacy regulations. This is again a hectic and time-consuming task.

4. Resistance to change

Integrating a biometric system in an organization means experiencing a cultural shift. Some employees within the organization, especially in small businesses, may not be willing to adapt to these changes and learn about these complexities. Besides, employees may be in a fear of breach of security and reliability.

5. Scalability issues

Another potential challenge of installing biometric systems in startups and small businesses is scalability. With the growth of the business, the biometric system should be able to adapt to the new transactions and users. Failing to adapt to scalability may lead to inefficiency in business operations.


Considering the conditions in which MSMEs are set up, they need an affordable and easy-to-use employee attendance system for MSMEs. For this, you can rely on MicroHR.

It is a mobile-based app that offers an employee attendance system for MSMEs at an affordable rate. Being a free HR software for startups and small businesses, it features automated attendance management and employee record maintenance. Further, its geofencing feature ensures that attendance is marked from office premises only.

Want to learn more about MicroHR? Click here.

Codebell, Limitless


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