Balancing Employee Privacy And Performance In Small Business Settings Ft. MicroHR

Posted On:

22 Dec, 2023


Posted By:

Anshika Mondal

Employee monitoring isn’t a new practice. However, the tendency of HR managers to peek into the lives of the employees escalated more after Covid-19. Now, it has reached such an extent that employees of certain companies complain of being bothered even beyond their working hours.

Would you like to be tracked 24/7? Well, none of us would love being monitored throughout the day.

But why do companies prefer monitoring their employees? Well, the primary purpose of monitoring employees is to ensure that they are productive enough to enhance potential growth in the company’s business operations.

According to a survey conducted by Accenture in 2019, 62% of business organizations use employee monitoring tools to ensure that their staff members are productive enough to carry out various projects.

Businesses do have good reasons to employ employee tracking software in their systems. Employee monitoring software systems:

• Ensures a safe workplace • Boosts productivity • Improves employees’ overall wellbeing • Improves operational efficiency • Promotes better communication • Offers proper time management

However, this constant digital employee monitoring throughout the day hampers employee privacy. It reaches an extent where it becomes a nightmare for employees and increases their stress levels. As a result, this invasion of employees’ privacy unsatisfied them. In the long run, it lowers the morale of the organization, leading to high levels of turnover of employees.

This is why, it’s crucial to strike the right balance between employee monitoring and privacy rights. To maintain a cordial relationship between employers and employees and keep an eye on employee productivity, we have come up with MicroHR.

What is MicroHR?

MicroHR is a mobile-friendly app, featuring automated attendance management, employee live location tracking, and employee record maintenance.

It provides automatic alerts for employees both within and outside the office premises. It has geofencing features that allow employees to mark attendance right from the office premises.

Coming to the feature of employee tracking, MicroHR offers automated real-time location tracking for field employees. Again, its geofencing feature helps employers to get an idea about the respective locations to which they have to send their field employees.

A great aspect that makes MicroHR different from any other affordable employee tracking software is its limited tracking feature on employees only within working hours. Unlike other HRM software systems, MicroHR respects employee privacy and tracks employees and their tasks only during their working phase.

Is MicroHR capable of maintaining employee privacy?

Now, you must be wondering if MicroHR as an HRM software is a suitable one to monitor employees without invasion of their privacy. Unlike other HRM software systems, MicroHR doesn’t affect your employees under these parameters:

1. Invasion of privacy

Considering the employee monitoring system, employees worry about their data being misused or accessed by unauthorized people. However, MicroHR gives access to employees to monitor their tasks only during working hours.

2. Negative impact on employee morale

Sometimes, organizations keep monitoring employees to such an extent that they continue doing it beyond working hours. As a result, it impacts the employees mentally. While being watched constantly, employees feel insecure. On the contrary, MicroHR limits this employee monitoring only to the working hours of the employees. This separates the work life and personal life of the employees and maintains a healthy relationship between the two.

3. Legal issues

Considering the controversy surrounding tracking of employee activities, the laws on employee monitoring differ from location to location. Unfortunately, most companies start tracking employees without even knowing the laws. Unlike other HRM software systems, MicroHR follows legal compliance to monitor employees both online and offline.


Therefore, if you are looking for an affordable employee location tracking software system to pay attention to your employees' presence in respective areas, MicroHR is your go-to HRM software.

Right from its features to its affordable price, MicroHR suits all micro businesses. So, if you’re a small business looking for an affordable solution to track the location of your employees within working hours, download MicroHR now.

Codebell, Limitless


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