What Is Employee Location Tracking? Learn Its 5 Killer Benefits For Small Businesses

Posted On:

15 Feb, 2024


Posted By:

Rihana Pandey

Have you ever heard of small businesses track the location of their employees? Well, that sounds like a far-fetched dream.

Why do you think small businesses do not install any employee location tracking system in their operations?


• Most small business employers or owners feel that the concept of employee location tracking doesn’t apply to them. • They think that the employee location tracking system is costly for them. • Small businesses do not have the expertise to use an employee location tracking system. • Small businesses find their operations too simple to be tracked by sophisticated software.

If you think the same, then probably you’re compromising your company’s growth. Since the employee location tracking systems track the real-time location of the employees, it leads to more growth for the company.

However, small businesses are still ignorant about the power of installing employee location tracking systems, here is a detailed blog on the same.

In this blog, I’ll share with you what an employee location tracking system for small businesses is and how it can leverage your business.

What is an employee location tracking system?

An employee location tracking system or employee monitoring software is a tool that keeps a check on the employees and tracks their current location within working hours.

Through this software, employers can collect relevant information the presence of an employee with the working hours. This software indirectly targets at the growth of your business.

Since small businesses have a limited budget, they can invest in affordable employee location tracking software that tracks employees as well as takes care of their attendance. Looking for such software? MicroHR is at your service.

Should small businesses invest in employee location tracking software?

Since small businesses have fewer employees and simple business operations, most of them think about whether they should at all invest in employee location tracking software. To clarify your doubts, here are the advantages of using employee location tracking software that small businesses can enjoy:

1. Enhanced productivity and efficiency

Installing employee productivity software plays a vital role in boosting the efficiency and productivity of the organization. Through such software, you can track if your employee is within the office premise. Even if you’ve sent some field employees to a respective task outdoors, such a software allows you to check if your employees have reached the ideal location or they are simply whiling away their time. In short, when you use employee location tracking software, you understand how your employees are utilizing time.

2. Accurate time tracking

Today, we live in the era of remote working which blurs the thin line between professional and personal life. Here, accurate time tracking is crucial. When using employee location tracking software, it asks the employees to log into their working hours, thus providing employers with real-time data on how long they are working for. To be more precise, the software ensures that you compensate employees fairly and prevent payroll discrepancies.

3. Employee accountability

For a thriving workplace, accountability is the primary concern. When you install employee location tracking software, it fosters a culture of accountability by showcasing the presence of employees in the workplace.

4. Geofencing

Through the presence of the geofencing feature in live location trackers, employers can define virtual boundaries or zones within the map. So, when the employee enters or leaves this respective area, the software notifies employers.

5. Data-driven decision making

Using software to track your employees within the office and on field empowers your business and helps to make informed decisions. Here, the software provides data that detects the location of your employees, thereby helping you to track the attendance and calculate salaries at the end of the month at ease.


Therefore, an employee location tracking system can do wonders, both for in-house employees as well as field employees. It serves a two-tier purpose – for employees, it keeps them consistent with their work, while for the employers, it tracks the location of the employees. So, it’s a win-win situation for both ends.

If you’re looking for an affordable employee location tracking system for small businesses, MicroHR is here to help you.

It is an employee location tracking system that offers automated real-time location tracking for field employees. For on-premise employees, its geo-fencing feature ensures that employees are within the premises during office hours.

Codebell, Limitless


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