Importance Of Tracking Field Employees – Learn The Drawbacks Of Not Tracking Your Employees

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26 Dec, 2024


Posted By:

Abhay Singh

In today’s fast-paced world, companies are always on the lookout to enhance productivity, efficiency, and overall performance. After all, every company aims to improve operational efficiency and maintain a competitive edge in the market.

The improvement of a company depends on the productivity of its employees. Yet, some companies still overlook the need to install a secured employee location tracking system. Situations get worse when you have employees going out on the field.

Tracking field employees does best for all businesses, irrespective of the stature of the organization. So, whether you are a small business or a corporate magnet, check out what happens when you don’t track your field employees in this blog.

Drawbacks of not tracking field employees

1. Loss of productivity

-- Not having an employee tracking system makes it difficult to monitor the field employees accurately.

-- Not being able to track what your field employees are doing can lead to a waste of both time and resources.

-- Your employees may take longer time to reach particular destinations because they already know that no one’s watching them.

-- This leads to delayed deliveries and unsatisfied customers.

2. Inaccurate billing and expenses

-- When you don’t track your employees properly, it becomes challenging to calculate the expenses and salaries of the employees.

-- This leads to overcharging, undercharging, billing discrepancies, and ultimately financial losses for the company.

-- Neither the employee wants to be deprived nor the employer wants to exceed his company budget.

3. Customer dissatisfaction

-- When your field employees operate inefficiently, it has a poor impact on the satisfaction levels of customers.

-- Employers may have a challenging time responding to customer inquiries due to a lack of knowledge about the status of their field employees.

-- As a result, your business may suffer from negative customer reviews, leading to loss of business.

4. Safety and security issues

-- When you don’t track your field employees, it puts both the employees and the employers at risk.

-- At times of emergencies, you fail to locate your employees. This leads to poor response times and bad customer service.

5. Missed opportunities for improvement

-- When you track your field employees, it gives you valuable insight which can later be utilized to evaluate performance and optimize business processes.

-- Not tracking your field employees means you don’t get any data on employee behavior and workflow patterns. This lets you stay blind to opportunities and improvement.


Therefore, failure to track field employees can have detrimental effects on the overall business. So, if you don’t want to let your competitors win, install a live location tracker. today.

And, the best way to do so is to use MicroHR, an employee tracking softwareMicroHR is an affordable employee tracking software. that takes into account both field employees as well as employees within the office premises.

Want to know how to use MicroHR to track your field employees? Check our website and download the app.

Codebell, Limitless


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